Wednesday 24 December 2014


Just took a look at this and realised I hadn't written anything for ages. There has been so much that I could have or should have written about but alas I failed on this one. I will endeavour to be more focused from now on, but I can't make any promises. However I can say that the last 12 months have been a bit of a rollercoaster with amazing highs and some lows and part of my lack of blog activity is due to this.

Anyway that's all in the past and lets just say year 34 of my life not great & year 35 so far so good. You may recall me sharing that my new year starts on my birthday, but that doesn't mean I can't get in on the annual looking back that happens at  this time every year. Here is my 2014 in review (drum roll please) - particular highlights have been:

- Solange's wedding, yep you know I love me some Solange and there were so many things I loved about this. I mean if I was a teenager I would print out the photos and stick them on my wall, instead I share them on my social accounts (aren't we all really just big kids). An amazing sharing of love, hubby, girls, family & son that seemed to represent her style. So epic, if I get married there are elements of this I will steal, although photos will be less Vogue and more Vanity Fair.

-  The 'black lives matter' protest, they do! It's a shame that people had to lose their lives for people to see this, but I'm hopeful that a change is gonna come (I had to). The fact that the protests continue is also promising, it's not just a #hashtag it appears to be a movement -lets hope it lasts.

- Good tv especially over the last couple of months; Homeland,The Fall, The Missing and loads more. I've actually taken a break from the black reality shows as there is something good to watch on the box, plus they depress/scare/delude me. Don't worry I'll be catching up with them over the Christmas break - I know what I said before but I know I'll be catching up with RHOA and LHHNY.

- London continues to be an amazing city, this year I've been to so many pop ups, film and music festivals, amazing exhibitions, eaten tonnes of great street food and more. My love affair with London continues and every time I make that journey across Blackfriars bridge to my weave specialist after running out of work to catch the train (Lol different hairdressers for different styles is how I roll) to South London, I fall in love with how magical this city is all over again. I adore that view!!!

- Missed artists returning to the fore, Prince, D'Angelo and even Jodeci miming at the Soul Train awards and releasing a new video. Although to be fair I didn't miss Jodeci; I thankfully saw them perform live 20 years ago and haven't been scarred by recent shambolic performances, soz I'm tired and can get a bit bitchy.  I'm also very excited by lots of great music and musicians I've been introduced to this year.

Not so great

- The whole thing about The Interview, I'm scared to say the country's name - can you imagine what may happen?! Although I'm sure if nations with anti-democratic/American ideologies made films about assassinating POTUS the US wouldn't be that happy!!!  Reading the Sony leaked emails has been interesting - I know I shouldn't but I can't resist.

All of our girls still aren't back!!!!!!

Do they know it's Christmas time, not only does it perpetuate an idea of Africa that is a bit holier than thou, assumes that Africa is one big country but it's also factually incorrect. I'm sure lots of Africa's inhabitants are not that concerned about this special period for Christians.

These argurments on intersectionality in feminism, the continuation of the natural hair = blackness/self-love debate (is it 1969) and anything else that wastes time talking about stuff that is of little consequence and takes our eyes of the ball. LIKE THIS BLOG.

That being said I'm out, I will be back in 2015x

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