Monday 14 January 2013

Have you heard the new JT song, yes JT is back

So I just heard the new JT song and realised that I was seriously missing Justin musically. His acting is ok at best and music is his true calling so glad to see he is back in the studio. His new song Suit & Tie is produced by Timbaland and features Jay-Z, once you get passed the intro it's classic JT and I like it! Can't wait for more from him.

Destiny's Child the same cannot be said of Nuclear, if contracts stipulate a release please try and make it a decent song!

You can check out the new Justin track here

Let me know what you think.

Monday 7 January 2013

How are you doing with your 2013 resolutions?

So today was my first day back to work and so far i'm not doing too badly with my 2013 resolutions:

I didn't make it to the gym today as I left my padlock at home - fail; but have already been 3 times in 2013.

I didn't get to work before 9.30am - fail.

But I did drink lots of water - result.

I did take off my make up before I went to bed and have done so every night since the new year begun - result.

I've only missed taking my vitamins once.

Although it hasn't been a resounding success I'm going to keep on at trying to make these habitual actions that become a part of my day to day. I'm off now to pack my padlock in my gym bag and get an early night.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Just say NO to sugary cereals

I'm not a fan of the nanny state and so reports that Labour MP Andy Burnham is suggesting that supermarkets shouldn't sell sugary cereals to help prevent childhood obesity just seem stupid to me. I'm a parent and throughout my son's childhood he ate one of the following for breaking before going to school, Weetabix with hot milk and a teaspoon of sugar (blame my mum for the introduction of sugar), ReadyBrek, Rice Krispies sans milk with a pot of yoghurt or toast - no surgery breakfast cereals there. Yes he did ask for them and occasionally I would buy Cocoa Pops or chocolate spread but that would happen maybe once every year - I'm a believer in everything in moderation. But the key factor in all of this is as the parent I said no - if he decided not to eat it, I used to take fruit with me on the way to school or bread and jam, and low and behold hunger pangs overwhelmed him and he ate them.

Now I think rather than blaming supermarkets, tv advertising and food manufacturers for obesity, childhood or adult; we should be real. We (society) are overweight because we mainly lead a sedentary life, eat and drink too much and don't engage in enough exercise to ensure we maintain a weight that is ideal. So rather than suggest we shouldn't eat sugary cereals or ban them lets get our children to do more exercise. The Government could better help to reduce obesity by:

1. Subsiding sport for children, swimming lessons, football coaching and clubs, and tennis lessons - all of which I've coughed up for are expensive. I had to say no to cricket not because of cost but with the schedule above it was impossible to fit it in, and even at 4 my son just wasn't interested in gymnastics which he said was for girls.

2. Looking at food costs (supermarkets control of this) the poor weather and general economic situation means food continues to get more and more expensive, and reports are that it's going to get much worse. Reports are that apples alone may go up by 25%, when you can feed a family on a £10 bucket of chicken with fries, fizzy drink and sides and you don't have to cook - some parents will choose this option. I'm not sure how you will change this.

3. Improved food education, the British diet is generally unhealthy lots of carbs - bread, potatoes, fried foods etc. Years ago people wouldn't have been able to eat the abundance of food we have now, they may have had one good meal and snacking was a myth; they also worked hard. Basically we need to eat less - if you child ate a sugary cereal once a week as a treat say Saturday I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. We also need to consider that it's not just portion sizes that need to be reviewed but some people may actually need cooking classes. And what is the British fascination with chips with everything, chips and lasagne, curry with rice and chips, pizza and chips - carb overloading.

A simplistic look at cereals as the cause of the problem is ridiculous, it's vital that a healthy lifestyle that incorporates exercise and a varied diet is offered to children at school and at home; but if the parents do not have a proper understanding of what this should include then banning cereals won't make a difference.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Products I love - Jan 2013

I decided to start 2013 sans weave, making this decision at 2pm on New Years Eve wasn't my most sensible idea especially as I had to remove, detangle, wash, treat and then condition my hair before wishing in the New Year. Even though I've had my hair in a weave for 12 weeks it was in good condition and felt moisturised, I still wanted to make sure and decided to try out the Cantu leave in moisturising Shea butter for the first time and boy am I glad I did - I love it!

After a 16 week break from the creamy crack - I have quite a bit of regrowth,  the Cantu butter really helped me to be able to slick my hair into a top knot. My hair feels so lush! I asked a few others (fellow hair groupers) for their thoughts and their response has been really positive, with only one person saying they didn't like it as they felt it coated their hair. I agree it does have that feeling but in my opinion that isn't a bad thing,  it does contain mineral oil but it's quite far down the ingredient list, but the feeling is of moisture rather than an oily residue.  I would definitely recommend this product whole heartedly and at £3.49 it's well worth-it. If you use this product do let me know what you think of it.

My second product that I love is Smashbox's primer. I had previously been using MAC's Prep and Prime or Make Up Forever's HD Primer. Unfortunately I had run out of the HD Primer so was solely using MAC. Now that Smashbox is stocked in (larger) Boots it's so much easier to buy and as a product I've always wanted to try I decided to purchase. Now I've tried it I can honestly say I won't be using anything else. I absolutely adore the finish it gives me; before even putting on my base I already feel that my skin is half way to flawless. My foundation stays on longer, it's easier to apply and has an improved finish. I also feel like I use less and I've started using my Sleek BB creme again - which I fell out with in the autumn.

The biggest wake up call for me on how good the Smashbox primer is, is when I inadvertently misplaced it - I was running late and it wasn't in my make up bag so I used the MAC primer. Lets just say there is no contest - I need to buy another bottle just in case this happens again.

I'm a product junkie so if you have any products that you would like to recommend let me know. If you've used any of the products featured in 'Products I love' then feel free to share your feedback.

Nadie xxx

PS Happy New Year - I hope 2013 is filled with joy, love and laughter in abundance.