Thursday 29 November 2012

One of my favourite places - the V&A

When I was growing up there were a group of kids on my road who hung out together. We went to youth club, camping, Wood Craft together (a bit like Guides but mixed - even then, and pro the environment and sustainability) and generally spent a lot of time at each others houses.

On cold rainy days we would ask to do one of two things, go to a museum or to go to the wave session at Britannia;  which probably tells you a lot about my childhood. But this is really where my love of museums stems from and probably why I still love architecture and looking at historic finds to this day. I'm truly mesmerized by seeing and trying to understand how people lived centuries and decades ago including what they wore, their culture and the amazing feats they achieved (this could be just living) without many of the comforts we have.

Other than travelling where I am able to immerse myself in different cultures, I find another way to get my fix is by visiting museums. Living in London I have an opportunity to visit these regularly and best of all for free (or a small donation). My favourite museum of all is the V&A (I have a liking for all things Victoriana) and over the next few weeks plan to see a few exhibitions there. One that is free that I'm keen to check out is, which looks at the museum's African archive and reflects on the changing attitude to the collection since the Victorian era.

It looks like it will be quite interesting and I'm gutted that I missed a talk today by the curator about the exhibits. I plan to go in the next couple of weeks so I'll let you know my thoughts. Hopefully one of the 'lates' will encompass this.

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