Tuesday 16 October 2012

So late but now jumping on the Elle Varner band wagon

So basically I love music, especially live music. I am a very regular concert attendee, I would say on average I attend a concert at least once a month. I couldn't imagine my life without music in it, and I love hearing a new album or song and being mesmerised by new talent. So when hearing Elle Varner for the first time, earlier this week - bare in mind its only Tuesday - I couldn't understand why I hadn't heard of her before and why one of my so called friends (if they haven't been sharing good music like this with me I'm not sure I can call them friends) hadn't told me that I needed her album in my life.

Well anyway lets just say I am now a Elle Varner fan and am loving 'Perfectly Imprefect' (her debut album) and Elle has now been added to my line of girl crushes. You can check out her video for the song that led me to want to find out more here 'I don't care'. Let me know what you think of the video x

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