Saturday 1 December 2012

Not funny - racism is not something to be laughed at

So today I read two things on Twitter that I personally don't find funny at all. One was a joke by a white comedian "if you're having sex with a Jamaican girl, don't ask her who's the daddy"; and the second was a quote from an article on the racism Lorraine Pascale has faced on Twitter and in her general life. Although stating that Twitter US should do more to stop racist tweets, when told in a country pub that 'n**g**s need to go back, but your ok because my wife likes your cakes'; Lorraine gave an icy stare, paid for her pork scratchings and left the pub. But commented in the article that you just have to 'laugh these things off'!

Jokes are funny, and perhaps I'm being slightly sensitive about the joke I mentioned above (don't worry I know who my father is and my son's) - let me know if you think I am?! But racism is not funny at all; its not ok for people to make comments like that and if they do they need to be told that it's not appropriate. When I was 12 my friend's grandmother said that 'the coloured girl [me] was so polite and helpful'; I overheard the conversation and told Nanna Breda that people don't use that word anymore it's black.  I wasn't rude and although I did find it offensive, I knew she wasn't doing it out of spite, just a lack of knowledge.

We all have a service to do in educating those who are unaware or plain ignorant to prevent them from saying something like this to someone who can't laugh it off. I hope in hindsight  Lorraine thinks i would have done more if i could;  as its not just the authorities who have a part to play. Although I say this I do understand Lorraine's response especially as the initial shock and outrage may have meant she went into autopilot. But as a public figure speaking up at the time as well as at a later date in the media may have had an impact and made the landlord think before opening his mouth.

As I'm on the subject of racism I just want to know what the jury were thinking when they let the police officers off who called the women a monkey and asked if she was going home to cook bananas!!! I'm glad that the police are following up with a case of gross misconduct; but what do you have to do to be convicted for this crime. It seems that saying it's a joke (John Terry) or a reference to evolution (this particular case) are adequate excuses. Someone may have to relook at the law or ensure that the cases being brought forward meet the burden of proof required by the judiciary.

Read the full Lorraine Pascale article on the Daily Mail.

More details on the police officers who were acquitted.

Lorraine does make exceedingly good cakes, I totally recommend her cook books Let them eat cake and the Bakewell tart are my personal favourite recipes.

Rant over

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