Tuesday 30 October 2012

My new past time - baking

When I was growing up I was a keen baker, I regularly used to bake at the weekends, rock cakes, flapjacks and scones were my particular favourites. But as I got older and life got in the way baking took more of a back seat; however lately I've started baking again and I'm really enjoying it. I find it a great way to relax and sometimes knock up a cake after work or on a Sunday afternoon.

So far I've perfected Humming Bird's Red velvet cake recipe, tried my hand at Let Them Eat Cake, made a banana cake that my work colleagues and my niece and nephew loved and have made a number of desserts. I'm now getting requests and have been asked to make a carrot cake and am currently soaking fruits for my first ever Christmas cake - the fruits are already well laced with rum and I can't wait to bake the first attempt in late November.

I'm now looking for an amazing cake stand and tea set so that I can have afternoon tea, so if you see one  do let me know.


  1. I have Lorraines book but never used it. shame really. a lady at my church bakes all the time. home baked goodness always tastes so nice

  2. You should I have two of her books and her recipes are really easy to follow. Taste much better than store bought cakes and some as yummy as Hummingbird's, Lola's etc


Thoughts, feedback most welcome - don't be shy!