Thursday 23 February 2012

Competitive or SAD dressing

So lately - well ever since it was -1oC during the day - I have started wearing jeans to work at least 3 times a week. Actually it may be fair to say that Fridays may actually need to be referred to as 'dress up Fridays' as the pull of going straight out after work means I put a lot more effort into my attire. But it's not only the adverse weather conditions that have led to this change, the departure of one of my closest colleagues (Mrs H) has also had an impact on my work wardrobe.

Mrs H was a shopper like myself and ensured that her work wardrobe had that element of on trend fashion with her own style and therefore always looked on point. She also advocated the 'I refuse to wear a two piece suit' rule and effortlessly used on trend blazers and unique accessories to show her personality. She understood that looking like a drone (in a Next suit) would bring her out in hives and much more ...

So after realising that my granny shoes (tan loafers)  have become office staples and my work heels are all in my shoe cupboard at home rather than the shoe box I have at work. I started to wonder if the cause of the demise of my status as 'the most fashionable women at my work' a title given to me by one of our directors (he meant it positively) is because there is no one there to appreciate my fashion buys, style acumen or who I would give a true answer to where did you get that from. Please note when I say I don't remember it's not that I'm lying is just a nicer way of me saying erm really!

So after pondering this for a while (yeah I know I can be trivial at times) I came to the conclusion that I'm either a competitive dresser, not that I'll upstage you or anything I know when I need to be the bridesmaid; or I have Seasonal Affective Disorder dress sense.

Now some of you may be wondering what I mean by a competitive dresser so I'll explain:

1. Have you ever gone somewhere seen someone in a pair of shoes or dress or whatever that you have a similar one to at home and thought yeah I'm gonna rock that tomorrow but add this Or that and make it look even better; bearing in mind you will be the only person who knows you've taken this item to another styling level?

2. Do you hate shopping in the sales because you know that unless it's that one item that was overpriced and was quite unique every Chantal, Simone and Jackie will have it and it's really not about that; plus isn't it time to move on to next season?

3. Do you actually go into panic mode when someone has the last item of clothing that you were eyeing up in their hand, do you stalk them as they walk round the shop or do you msg all your friends with a photo of said item asking them to see if the local ... has it and to buy it if they do because even though your wardrobe is bursting at the seams, this one item will help take everything up an extra notch?

4. Do you actually look at people who say 'I have nothing to wear' and think I have a least 3 outfits that I could pull together that I've never worn and are amaze balls and go online to see what you can get to replace the 'that's just something I got out of the closet' look because you really are one of those people that's got it like that?

Got to love Posh, she takes overdressed to another level
5. Do you actually believe that you can never be overdressed because as long as you look on point it's ok? Yeah it may be a little OTT going to Starbucks in that dress and those heels, but no one knows I'm only going to Starbucks and if I don't wear it here where else am I'm going to wear it!!??!!

If you can say yes to any of the above then you a competitive dresser or the real Carrie Bradshaw.

Alternatively the onset of the cold spell;  whilst even though we all know Feb is the coldest month of the year and shops are trying to sell us bikinis (with modern processes why are shops still stocked in this way) may have led to you holding on to your winter warmers extra tight. Thoughts of wearing pastels before Spring has any idea its meant to have sprung or considering if the opulent baroque look doesn't really seem fitting when we are still in an economic depression are as close as I've got to updating my wardrobe and so as jeans are always on point (ask Kate Moss) I'm sticking to them for now; unless I can somehow find a way to tone down my metallic pleated skirt for the office?

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