Sunday 29 April 2012

The politics of black hair - who knew??!!

A few weeks ago I took part in a beauty round table, and during the discussion one of my fellow participants stated that we (black people) needed to think about the way we wear our hair as it is a political statement. Now as anyone who knows me personally will know I am quite an opinionated person and I have quite strong views about everything, but when this comment was aired I chose not to make my thoughts heard. One reason for this is since I've got older I've realised that debating every point is futile, and I knew this was going to be one of those we will agree to disagree conversations and secondly the round table discussion was focused on beauty and not hair and I didn't want to sideline it.

I always find the HAIR issue interesting, my thoughts may be summed up by quite succinctly by India Arie's I am not my hair because quite frankly I honestly believe there is more to life. But even though I say that I am currently following a hair regime as advocated in The Science of Black Hair and by others such as Julie Oli; so my hair and the way it looks is obviously quite important to me. I swear I have bored people to death with talk of sulphate free shampoos, clarifying and protein vs moisturising conditioners. However even though I am becoming a hair care and hair health enthusiast (aka a raving looney) and know that the healthiest state for my hair to be in would be to go natural; I know that I will not be making the transition back to my afro. So after reading a few articles and pondering on the 'political statement' comment I started to really question if there is a deep rooted reason why I prefer to have relaxed hair, or wear a weave rather than rock my natural fro.

I<3 Solange
Said friend getting make up done by me on a shoot.
I want to be clear I think natural, healthy well-cared for afro hair is beautiful, as you are all aware I have a major crush on Solange and her hair is just one reason for this. One of my closest friends is a natural hair devotee and I love the styles she rocks; but I know that my thick hair that has been known to break comb teeth isn't going to be easily manipulated on a day to day basis in to the chic hairdos I see her with. I also know I do not want to be wearing my hair in styles that I was wearing when I was in St Mary's Infants, and due to nearly 20 years (with periods of natural hair that is weaved or in extensions) of being a slave to the creamy crack I'm not sure that I would even know what products or hair care regime would be best for my 4/b hair (shameful I know).

What I do know is that I like the wash and go ability of my relaxed hair, yep sometimes I wash it and leave it to air dry; when I have a short style this is particularly useful. I really don't have to do anything to it at all. I also love the versatility of a weave, I've had a short bob, 14 inch long or longer hair with a fringe, brown hair, curly hair and browny blonde highlights all without damaging my hair (all within 6 months). I've been able to change my hair with my mood, with the season or just because I wanted to look different for a special occasion. I also love the fact that when I have a weave I can do my hair in less than 5 mins, I can get ready in 20 mins or so in the winter months when I'm trying to stay in bed for as long as possible; this is ideal.

Me biting my nails aged 4 - the pineapple was my go to hair style, if I didn't have plaits!
For me having relaxed hair or wearing a weave is all about convenience and being used to having my hair in a style that I'm so accustomed to that I don't want to change. In those infrequent times when I have had my fro out its taken me ages to get ready with the amount of tools and products I've used to make sure I look on point. Whether or not my hair is natural or relaxed isn't a political statement for me its more about me being quite lazy and not wanting to get up twenty minutes earlier to do my hair (sorry but its true). So here I will make my own political statement, see image below. Please note I love fros!

Fros are very welcome!!!!!!
Personally I hope that the black hair movement like feminism has reached a point where we are able choose how we wear our hair based on our own personal choice. I'm proud that I can choose to be relaxed,natural or weaved or whatever takes my fancy.

I'm off to start a 'Rock your hair however you want' petition xx

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